How much do I take when I micro-dose? howmuchdoitakewhenimicrodose howtomicrodose microdosing microdosingamounts microdosingdosasge whatismicrodosing May 29, 2023

Welcome back to Uncover Your Magic: The Blog!

I’m Julie, your micro-dosing mentor, and I am delighted to delve into the topic of dosing with you today. In my previous blog posts, we discussed what micro-dosing is and dispelled some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding micro-dosing...

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Curious about Micro-dosing 🍄?

You've come to the right place! Whether you're wondering what micro-dosing is, why it's so incredibly effective, or how to get started on your journey, I'm here to support you. 

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Schedule a free call with Julie and discover how you can Uncover Your Magic with the power of 🍄
